(This is the trailer: For the full film, email me via the “contact” page.)
Manot is a blind man who plays the saxophone on the sidewalk of Silom road in Bangkok. Ten meters away from him Ayutthaya, a deaf-mute homeless man, sniffs glue and sleeps all day. Through an impossible encounter between the two, instigated by the director of the film, secrets will unfold that will change their perspectives.
Creative documentary film
Thailand, 2021, 15 minutes
Dirección/Director: Luis Palomino Benítez
Producción / Producer: Sirin Mcintyre, Smithi Skunnawat.
Guión/Screenplay: Luis Palomino Benítez
Fotografía/Cinematography: Molly Ferrill, Luis Palomino Benítez
Edición/Editing: Luis Palomino Benítez
Diseño de Sonido/Sound Design: Alejandro Ramírez
Corrección de color/Color grading: Moisés Anaya
Musicalización/ Film scoring: Luis Palomino Benítez
Saxofonista/ Saxophone player – Manod Tiengraddawongu
Indigente/ Homeless guy – Ayutthaya
Narrador/ Narrator – Luis Palomino Benítez
Premios y festivales / Awards and festivals:
2nd Blacksphere Film Festival, Czechia, June 2022. Mejor cortometraje documental.